Archive for the ‘Writing Portfolio’ Category

The Green Man

June 6, 2009

The Green Man story represents a return to nature. I have created my own version of the story based on one told to me by a storyteller, as is normal in the oral story telling community. Feel free to take the main points of this tale and use them to create your own Green Man story.

It was a long an arduous journey across very difficult terrain. On horseback I travelled many miles in the searing heat of the summer sun and to cut my journey short decided to travel through the great forest. There were many myths about this forest and most people avoid it, fearing that they may become lost or pixie led. It was however the quickest route and would cut down my travel time by a whole day. So it was with some trepidation and some excitement I drew into the forest along a small track.

The track seemed to be well travelled at first, but quickly became quite overgrown. I began to doubt whether or not to proceed, but decided not to turn back. It was nearing noon and the sun was radiating with its full midsummer heat. I had travelled a long way and was thirsty and hot. My clothes clung to me with sweat and even my horse was beginning to flag. After some time to my delight I found a river. This river was flowing with fresh water and had luscious vegetation growing along its banks. I guided my horse downstream until I found a wonderful pool of water next to a cascading waterfall. At last I could rest!

I tied my horse to a tree by the river and we both drank greedily from the fresh water we had so fortuitously found. It was the middle of nowhere, so I decided to strip off completely, peeling off my sticky clothes and putting them on the riverbank to dry off in the sun. With joy I jumped in the pool and swam, rejoicing in the cool water. I decided to explore a little and swam over to the waterfall, which was very loud and beautiful. I stood under the falls loosing myself in the moment, feeling the joy of the crystal clear water cascading over my tired body. Wandering by the green bank I foraged for some edible mushrooms, wild and tasty. I sat and watched the river, resting my weary body on the grassy bank. The sun was not so high in the sky, so I thought it was time to return to my journey and thanked the river for its refreshment.

As I returned to the pool I was shocked to see no sign of my horse or my clothes. I searched around for a while, thinking I must be lost. Frantically I ran through the forest searching, but to no avail. All I managed to achieve was to get lost, totally. It was now late afternoon and I was in the middle of the great forest, I was tired and frightened and lay naked against a tree.

I must have dozed for a good while, because when I came too it was dusk. The forest became eerie and I was aware of the seriousness of my predicament. I foraged around finding some wild berries to snack on and a few edible mushrooms. I found shelter in a small cave and after the initial shock became resigned to my fate. Perhaps someone would find me.

The next day was beautiful, I felt rejuvenated after spending a night in the forest. There was a slight mist in the trees and my belly told me it was time to find food and water. I spent that morning finding my bearings and by the afternoon could hear the rushing of the river. I ran towards it and jumped in, greedily drinking the fresh water. I also found plenty of food to forage on the banks and sighed in relief, I could survive.

For the next few weeks I stayed close to the river and made a shelter out of branches and leaves. It was simple, but joyful. I found as time went on that the wildlife approached me and accepted me into their home. My friends became the hawk and the deer and I even managed to communicate with them in a primitive way.

Summer did not last long. It was getting colder and colder by the day, the water almost too cold to swim in. My shelter did not seem up to the task of keeping me warm, so I ventured to the cave I found all those weeks ago. Life became more difficult, most of my time was spent foraging for food or walking to and from the river. The days became shorter and colder. The food became scarcer and I began to worry about the onset of winter.

To keep warm I took one last swim in the river and then rolled in the mud, caking my entire body. I found some fallen leaves, as it was now well into autumn, and rolled in them. The sun had enough heat left in it to dry me. I became clothed in the forest and it kept me a little warmer. I gathered leaves for my bed and lived like a wild man.

As food became even more scarce I began to get hungry, eating only a handful of berries each day. I was cold and weak and could not manage my trips backward and forward to the river. I collapsed outside the cave and waited for nature to take me. Then something miraculous happened. A wolf bitch and her cubs had taken residence in a nearby cave and the wolf had become an uneasy friend as we co-existed. The wolf took it on to herself not only to feed her cubs, but to feed me too. I stayed in the cave with the small family for warmth and was brought rabbit, birds, rodents and other small creatures. I slowly regained my strength and watched as the forest became white with snow.
The snow provided me with a source of water and the wolf continued to feed me throughout the winter. I learned to communicate with her using growls and grunts and when the snow had cleared ventured out into the forest again. It was now spring and the sun was beginning to have warmth. I could find mushrooms and as time went on, berries and fruit. Having spent three seasons in this forest I decided I now had my best chance of finding my way back to civilisation.

I journeyed further and further into the forest until one day found a settlement at the edge. I did not want to approach, as I was still clothed in mud and leaves. I feared that they would imprison me. Then, one day, I heard the crying of a little girl, many miles into the forest. I recognised her as one of the people from the settlement and approached her carefully. She was frightened at first, but I won her trust by offering her some wild berries. I led her out of the forest and to the settlement. I often wonder if those people developed a myth about a wild man living in the forest that rescued their child, as from then on they left food offerings at the forest edge. I took them gratefully, cooked food once again was wonderful!

I lived close to the settlement for some time and it drew into summer. The sun was hot again. I decided to venture back to the river and bath in the magical pool by the waterfall. To my amazement there was somebody else swimming. A naked man, a weary traveller. As I got closer I found that he had left his horse tied to a tree and his clothes out to dry, just as I had, all that time ago. I silently put on his clothes and stealthily untied his horse and led it onto the path. When I was clear I rode off, the next green man had arrived to take my place!

The Naked Priestess

June 6, 2009

A woman approaches a blue extraterrestrial craft. She is a priestess of the Tribe of the Phoenix and is about to meet an etheric being from across the galaxy. This being is one of her spirit guides and brings much love and wisdom to the new Earth.

Over the years she has developed her subtle senses enough to perceive this craft and the being inside. These craft have been with humanity since their genesis and always watch over. In dense times, such as we are currently living, such craft are only seen as brief glimpses by those momentarily sensitive to subtle energies. They are discounted by scientists and are regarded as a fringe phenomenon. They are described as UFOs, flying saucers, balls of light, fairies, spirits and ghosts. They exist on a level of reality that few can experience during our current order, but all will experience after the elevation of consciousness.

In the time of the priestess, people will be able to see these subtle phenomena as easily as we see physical structures. They will interact on a level of love at a day to day level with these beings. Some will develop their senses enough to board the craft and be taken on magnificent journeys across the universe. They will be able to elevate their cellular and thought vibrations to such a level as to become transparent to people of our current time, as if ghosts. They will then see these beings and craft as solid and interact with them accordingly. They will use their minds to control the craft and travel in time and space in the subtle dimensions. They may be visiting us here even now, but only a few will have the subtle sight to see them. Most will perceive only a flicker or a hint of colour out of the corners of their eyes, or perhaps the feeling of a slight breath, or the gentlest of touches. Such beings are regarded as angels in our time, but are really just our descendants. Some people alive today may be able to exist at this level.

The woman was naked, and this is a key to her subtle existence. She is in harmony with nature and connects fully to the natural forces. Clothing binds us to a dense existence, it blocks our subtle energy bodies and it places a barrier between us and the world, and each other. We live in dense times, obsessed with time and rules and desensitisation. We eat heavy food, listen to loud music, are bombarded by images and bright colours, and at the same time are insulated from feeling the sun on our skin or the moss beneath our feet. She is naked to be in total union with her surroundings. She is an advanced being of great intelligence and wisdom. Her tribal living is not retrograde, but the height of subtlety.

Technology for our priestess is based on thought and direct manifestation. She lives a life of simple pleasures and as such is extremely sensitive. She can sense the pain of a daisy being picked, she can feel every blade of grass beneath her feet, every droplet of dew on her skin. For her to be clothed would be for us to wear full body armour. Everything in her world would seem like soap bubbles to us, but is more resilient than the strongest of our buildings.

This meeting is one met with joy. Under a blanket of stars she greets her guide and friend. After a brief meditation calling down the subtle powers of the nebulae and galaxies, she is ready to board the blue craft. As she does so she feels a rush of air and a sense of peace. Being in the craft is like being in a bubble bath or luxuriating on soft silk sheets. Taking her time to meditate with the crystalline energies, she holds the key to her third eye. The craft responds by gently lifting-off, like a feather on the breeze. It rises into space and she looks down upon Gaia, her home. The sunlight shines through the craft, it is like being in a giant bubble. Her energies are too subtle to be harmed by radiation or solar winds, but she does feel the gentle caress of the particle stream.

The craft moves swiftly on, past the Moon and deep into space. The energies rise in vibration until the craft seems to disappear totally. It has entered a higher state, that of the etheric realm. Together with her guide, she pilots the craft through a sea of energy. Travelling across time and space until she reaches the shores of a beautiful planet. This planet is in orbit around a giant blue sun.

She lands the craft on a beach and slowly it crystallises into more solid form. Together they leave the craft and use energy techniques to ground themselves and to solidify their forms. This is not astral travel, but the next level beyond. It is travel in mind, body and spirit. She is totally present and her physical body can solidify as much as our own.

She walks along the sandy beach and reaches a settlement. There she meets others like herself, that is physical beings. They take many forms and are from across the galaxy. This is the galactic council and she is the Gaia representative. This may sound fantastical, but it has been done before. In Lemurian times beings travelled from the Pleiades to Earth in such a fashion. By Atlantean times they had begun to loose this ability and by our time it seems like pure fantasy. But these abilities are becoming manifest. There has always been a few who could do this. The difference is that in the time of our priestess, everybody can.

The council meet to help steer Earth towards the ascension of consciousness. They are meeting in the future, but their decisions will affect us now. We will only know their guidance through meditation and think of them as angels or guides. The council will meet and act as evidenced by their presence now. The time is right for humanity to ascend.

A Guide to Spiritual Nudity

June 1, 2009

Connecting with nature through shamanic practices and sacred nudity is extremely important to me. I have written a book, available from LuLu press as either an ebook or a paperback on my shamanic practices and experiences. As a convertion I use the name Storm Moon for all my shamanic, non-transgender material.

Naked in the Woods, A Guide to Spiritual Nudity


You know that wonderful feeling of being naked in nature? This groundbreaking book will show you how to commune with nature, perceive her spirits, honour your body, and more! Naked in the Woods is a complete handbook that gives you sensory exercises, sensual journeys, and many other tools to bring your naked experiences to the next wonderful level. If you love being naked in nature at the beach, on the lawn or in a forest, you will love this book!

  • Download £2.49
  • Paperback book £6.99
  • 106 pages

The Great Transition

June 1, 2009



At the present moment, Western society has entered a state of decline. This may seem to be wholly negative, but is in-fact part of a much larger process. Many religions see this stage as the terminal stage of contemporary society and site the social decline. This may be so, but it is a necessary step in human evolution. The human evolution I speak of here is the human species evolution, although the individual person is a reflection of this. It can be seen from many different levels; as a great evil that bequeaths mankind; as a psycho-spiritual disease of the species; as a step in the evolution of the species or as part of a dynamic whole which is itself perfection. The level depends upon your perspective, all are valid observations, but the whole may be understood better by placing each of these perspectives into a higher framework. In this way you will get the complete picture in much the same way as many views of a building allow a complete perspective of its architecture. I will describe these four perspectives in turn so that a complete picture may be built up.

The best known of these views is that of Armageddon(2), that is the final destruction of the human species. In many religions this idea is also adopted, but there is usually an escape clause for the followers. If you take a good look at contemporary society you can see this to be true. There is increasing crime, homelessness, drug abuse etc. There is much apathy and many people lead shallow and meaningless lives. There is dis-satisfaction with the current world order but with no alternative direction. It looks very much like Armageddon and nobody wishes to take on the task of renewal. The Christian view in Revelations(2) may be a very accurate description of the situation with ‘The Beast’ closing in for world domination.

The next view is that of a psycho-spiritual disease of the human species. This takes the view that humanity is sick and is in the terminal stages of the illness. From this stage there are three possible outcomes;

Death of the species; continuation of the current situation without any change and recovery. Illness can be looked upon as a necessary lesson which needs to be learned. In many individuals, a serious disease has lead to life changing experiences. These can be major spiritual understandings, such as in many Near Death Experiences (NDE’s)(5), or just a change in lifestyle. Perhaps humanity as a whole has a lot to learn from this disease. Perhaps humanity will re-emerge after recovery as a highly spiritual community.

The third view is that this situation is a step in the evolution of the human species. Just as a child must learn about the world around him, sometimes with painful results, so must the species. The story of learning about the nature of fire by being burnt is apt here. If this is a step in the evolution of mankind, what is the lesson? Is it a lesson at all? It could be the analogy of immunisation, a sort of necessary step. It could also build up on previous lessons in the way a curriculum does. Like in science, things are explained in simplistic terms and then apparently contradicted at a deeper level. In any case, this perspective sees humanity’s current situation as a stage in the evolutionary process of a species.

The final level is that of the integrated whole. Here there is no time, so the species exists at all levels which come together to form a synergy. This is the spiritual identity of humanity and contains everything, all the hopes and dreams, all the acquired experience of the species. Of course the species is a reflection of every member and every member reflects the species. So it is what it is to be human, or put another way, the perfection of the evolution of the consciousness in human form.

This brings us to the next stage. Having briefly outlined the four perspectives, with a deliberate non-comparisatory tone, we can move on to the meaning behind it. I will start off by comparing the views to form a dynamic structure, one in which we can build upon. As in the rest of Life-force Harmonics, the individual part reflects the whole. It is necessary to simplify everything to distinct steps, then the process can be seen flowing with clarity.

If we examine the Armageddon view, we can see it is like the tail end of a disease, the ‘healing crisis’. It is not the last step in the evolutionary process, but a vital part of it. The ‘beast’ referred to in Christianity(2) could be the disease of modern society. This disease is no more than the lesson in the evolutionary process and from the ultimate standpoint, is part of perfection. In other words man must own his shadow as he has to learn from it, it is not ‘Evil’, it is just part of the process. In this way the species must also own its shadow. At the first level human society is as it is as a result of its ‘evil acts’; at the second level humanity is diseased, the cause of the disease is not ‘evil’ but no-the-less unpleasant.; at the third level humanity is undergoing a learning process, there is no evil or diseases, just lessons; at the final level there are no lessons, just perfection.

Having an understanding of the different views, we can now examine the current human predicament in more detail. It will be best to examine this in terms of a disease and evolution, the other two views will not yield a productive analysis. This is because they are extremes. The first view will only show the suffering involved and not the causes or lessons. The final view is perfection and fully integrated, there are no lessons or suffering here.

If we view societies predicament as a disease we need to know three things; The cause, the effects, and the cure (or outcome). We already know what the effects are, suffering, apathy, disintegration etc. The cause of humanity’s current predicament could be age old greed. In the story of The Garden of Eden, Adam ate the apple from the tree out of greed. This is the premise we will work from for this viewpoint. You can see how lust for power, material wealth and technology has led to man’s current situation. If we assume that before this greed arose, there was harmony, the species acted as a whole and there was no fighting or suffering. Then the greed arose bringing splits as individuals developed ego’s. They started fighting one and other and exploiting their resources.

This has lead to modern society. There is no cohesion left, it is a situation of ‘every man for himself’. Our society is built on the rules of conflict, we, as individuals are conditioned to be greedy and competitive. We are judged on material wealth and power. The ego rules the roost. The world does indeed seem to have gone mad, injustice, artificial, decaying. This is the endpoint of ego consciousness, which was built out of greed. So many of mans endeavours seem to be attempts to placate the suffering he has got himself into. Think of it, all major advances are a result of an attempt to stop this suffering. Things are invented to ‘make our lives easier’, or to ‘give us something to do in our spare time’. There you have it, an attempt to stop the suffering and an attempt to hide from it. We suffer because we are separate, our ego’s, which were just interfaces between the inner and outer worlds now demand placation. We sense we are incomplete but do not know what to do about it. The species is fragmented and we fear for our lives. This is what has caused our current situation.

The cure for our predicament is to let go of our greed and come together as a species. The suffering is getting so great that we cannot placate it any longer. As the society fragments, a new movement emerges.

That movement is that of regret and contrition. We are sorry for what we have done and wish to change, we wish to be whole again. This wish is what will drive the formation of our new society. Every major religion tells of the ‘Time of reckoning’, when all will be judged and the good will be allowed entry into heaven. This heaven is on earth and is accessible to all whom wish to be there. It is the cure for society’s greed, but those whom are still greedy will not be able to enter. This is not due to divine intervention, but rather that this heaven is a state of mind, the collective species consciousness recovering from its 10,000 year ‘greed related illness’. Those whom are still greedy bar themselves due to wishing to be in charge, they cannot submit there state of mind. So from the perspective of a disease it is quite simple. First everything was OK, then there was greed, this lead to the psychosis which can be cured by giving up the greed that caused it. It is a bit like poisoning, this too is reflected in the story of the Garden of Eden. Here Adam ate the poisoned apple (arising of greed), this lead him to be cast out of heaven and to become mortal (arising of ego consciousness), after he realised his nature was that of God (self awareness). He will eventually become cured by giving up the greed. This is the disease perspective. You may ask, Why? What was the point of it all? Many people think in this way about diseases. Diseases can be viewed as lessons in an evolutionary process. In the confines of ego consciousness it is impossible to see, but from a higher perspective it makes perfect sense. It is to the evolutionary perspective we now turn to for a slightly different account of the situation.

The third viewpoint is that of humanities current situation as one step, or lesson, in its psycho-spiritual evolution. I use the word lesson because it is psycho-spiritual, where the main aspect is consciousness. There are other evolutionary pathways currently underway for the human species. The best known of these is biological evolution. All these evolutionary paths are inter-related, and will be discussed later. The main task at the moment is to describe the psycho-spiritual evolution process and how this explains man’s current situation.

If we go back to our ‘garden of Eden’ analogy, Adam was not evil, but merely evolving. The serpent was the manifestation of self awareness, or the idea of becoming self aware. The tool for providing self awareness was called greed in the previous section, this is a negative attribute. In this section we will see that greed is not the same as we were previously told. Greed is the shift of un-differentiated consciousness into the individual’s consciousness. It is the movement of the ego, the interface between inner and outer worlds, into the centre of consciousness. In other words it is the process of becoming self aware. With self awareness comes a price, insecurity. This insecurity manifests as a wish to become one with the collective consciousness and is in opposition to the evolution of the ego. One feels vulnerable and compensates by accruing material possessions and power. This vulnerability is the suffering much talked off in religious circles, this gives rise to greed, which attempt to salve the suffering. So there is the process of the arising of greed, or to put it another way, the shifting of consciousness into the ego.

Having described the process, we must now turn to the question, why? To conventional understanding the whole process was a big mistake resulting in suffering, greed, anger (due not to being able to salve the suffering) and delusion (due to loosing the ability to see things from another perspective). The eventual outcome of this process seems to be social decline and eventual Armageddon. From the standpoint of the evolutionary perspective, however, this is not so. This evolutionary perspective mirrors a human life. In the beginning there was un-differentiated consciousness, or the mind of a young child. This may be in harmony with the universe, but needs to learn in order to evolve. For a child, education is applied until he can stand on his own feet. Then the ego arises, this motivates the child. Without this ego there would be no motivation, there would be no need to evolve. This is the same for the species. The differentiation of consciousness had two major effects. One, an evolutionary pressure was established allowing the species to go forward. Two, the consciousness was fragmented, allowing billions of learning opportunities. The evolutionary pressure is suffering and the learning opportunities are individual lives. Without this the species would stagnate and still be like a child. The H. G. Wells book ‘The Time Machine’(6) is relevant here. In this book the hero travels into the future, only to find, at first glance, a Utopian society. On further analysis, however, things are very different. The society has no books and no direction, when one of its members drowns, no one helps. This is what society would be like without the ego stage, seemingly perfect, but actually very primitive and directionless. Society is actually enriched by the ego consciousness of its individual members, this is absolutely necessary for human evolution.

The methods and reasons have been described for the current state of society, now we must turn to the next phase, the integration of ego consciousness with the social consciousness. Society and the human species consciousness have been much enriched by the arising of the ego consciousness and the billions of individual experiences. This goes far beyond just all the culture, art, music, science, technology and philosophy that has been created as a result of this phase. The enrichment is the synergy of all human experience. This of course contains its shadow aspect, the Nazis are a good example. The shadow should not be destroyed, as it contains valuable lessons. The shadow is one of the driving forces to the next phase. The current world situation shows this to be so, as it is the wish to change that catalyses the next phase. We have reached a terminal point of apathy and disintegration, we are turning our back on the old order. In evolutionary terms, the old order has done its job and is no longer needed, it is time to move on. There is of course resistance to this change, as a result of fearing the future. This resistance does in-fact serve a purpose. It is there to ensure a complete change-over to the new consciousness. It does this by bringing out all the doubts and fears and allowing them to be quenched. A total switch can then be made to the new system. It provides the process extra momentum so that evolution can move on un-hindered. Only once the life of the old system is totally exhausted can this be achieved, sleeping best after a hard days work is a good analogy. The driving force has now been described, now we need to know the process involved in the change-over. First of all we need to know the nature of the next phase, then link it with the old order, this will allow us to see the change-over process more clearly. So it is the next phase we must now examine.


The next phase for humanity has been much written and talked about. Most major religions see a ‘heaven on earth’, with the good prospering. It is not possible to predict the exact nature of the next phase, but by looking at what will actually happen, we will have a clearer picture. The next phase is characterised by the integration of individual ego consciousness with the species consciousness. The perspectives of individuals will change as they will be able to perceive as both individuals and as humanity. Attitudes will change and the old order of greed will no longer exist. Political correctness, which characterises the old order will no longer exist. This is because people will live in harmony and not disharmony, political correctness is motivated through greed and conditioning. To put it another way, people will function at a deeper level and will not need any contrived constructs. Society will be simple in this way, there will be growing environmental consideration, major changes in the way we treat others and a return to nature. This society will not be a Garden of Eden, as much exploration and progress shall be made. It will build on the fruits of the old order and integrate them into a new framework. This framework, of which Life-force Harmonics is part, includes everything and sees everything as different perspectives of the whole. The entire concept’s of right and wrong, judgementalism, prejudice and sectarianism will be replaced with tolerance and mutual interest. People will all have the ability to offer something and will not lead mundane and meaningless lives. They will be encouraged to develop their own talents and creative abilities. The old order of rationality and capitalism with its authoritarian inflexibility will be gone and replaced with real concern and help. Politicians will not be needed, nor will soldiers or police. In other words people will live happy and fulfilling lives. The spiritual aspects of existence will be of the uppermost importance. There will be many varied spiritual traditions which will arise, and replace, the old order dogmatic religions. People will be secure in their own lives and wish to help the species of which they are an inexorable part. A new age of tolerance and individual freedom will be created. It is obvious that it is impossible to list all the changes here. Instead, I will discuss a number of ‘marker’ situations, which will show the health of a society. These are; equality; law and order; education; HealthCare and political process.

Equality is a word which is much used in the current situation. It is usually closely aquatinted with the concept of rights. In the old order, people fight for, and aberrantly defend their ‘rights’. Once granted, they will take them literally and use them as a fulcrum to get their own way. There are no real ‘rights’ as such, as no one is in anyway superior to others. Rights are another device born of insecurity. In the new order, rights will not be needed. People will naturally, as they reintegrate with the species consciousness, behave benevolently to their fellow man. Rights will not be needed, as others will not wish to oppress. In other words, true spiritual freedom and equality will be gained. People will again show gratitude for help they once demanded as rights. Society will flow along in its own direction, which will be the sum of all the individuals within it.

Law and Order is a subject which flows on naturally from what was said above. The emphasis will not be on crime and punishment, but on rehabilitation and help. People whom do wrong will be thought of as spiritually insecure. They will be treated as such and great attempts will be made to reintegrate them into society. The current situation of ‘Paying of ones debts to society’ will be obsolete, for one thing, society is as ‘guilty’ as the individual. This has two major connotations; one, people will not be treated as criminals and only held as long as they need to be to effect a recovery. Two, very dangerous individuals will not be released into society to re-offend, just because they have ‘done their time’. Treating criminals as patients will greatly improve their esteem and at the same time cut down on crime. It is not that the new order will be soft on crime, in fact it will be freed from all the red tape and stupidity currently experienced. There will be no need to apportion blame and therefore no need for courts. Rather, the individuals spiritual maturity will be assessed. As this is not oppression or punishment, there will be no injustice as such.

Education flows naturally on from this. The process of education will have the main task of helping people to become spiritually secure. Of course there will be conventional subjects as well. A basic understanding of ‘the three R’s’, science and the arts will be taught. The teaching methods will be a lot different. At the moment, teaching methods are wholly intellectual and authoritarian. The new order teaching process will be holistic in nature. That is to say the wonder of the subject will be shown so that people can let this inspire them to learn more. For example, physics may be taught by first taking the students on a ’star party’. The emphasis will be on the romantic wonder of the universe and will help to start an interest in the intellectual subject. The major thrust will be to help people develop their creativity and find their lives work. Everybody has different talents, and although an attempt will be made to teach the basic ’survival pack’ necessary for living in the new order, most of the emphasis will be on personal development. For example, a young dancer may forgo the forced education and allowed to follow this path. Education will be a joyful experience and one that will be treasured. Our young will be able to look forward to much wonder, wisdom and happiness.

HealthCare and medicine is the fourth marker I have chosen. At the moment, current Western medicine views the situation as a battle. There are diseases and cures, and many people talk of illness as a battle. This is characteristic of the old order, as it views everything in this way. In the new order, medicine will be much more holistic. In fact, it is the area of HealthCare which is most developed with all the so called ‘alternative treatments’. In the new order, there will be a different attitude towards HealthCare. There will be a thrust to keep people at optimal well-being using a number of techniques. I will not talk about this too much, as a great deal has already been written. The old invasive techniques will only be used as a last resort and will no longer be the main stream. Western medicine will be thought of as ‘fringe’ medicine. Energy medicine will be the main type of medicine practised. This will include acupuncture, homeopathy, reiki, healing martial arts, aromatherapy, etc., etc., etc. There will be far more healers and less institutionalisation, there will however be a good framework for all these therapies to work within. There will be an understanding of the mechanisms of energy medicine and a much more balanced view. This will be due in part to the new ’science’, of which Life-force Harmonics is an example. People will enjoy much better health and many of the current, stress related diseases, such as heart conditions, will be very rare. The new lifestyle will be a form of medicine in itself.

Political process is a description that will not be entirely accurate for the new order. Politics is mainly about greed, ambition and power. In essence it is an expression of the insecurity of the ego consciousness. It is mainly an charade, devoid of any real depth or meaning. As can be seen in the present order, politicians are false and only expound the ‘politically correct’ view. This causes much dis-harmony and is a good example of the current order. In the new order, there will be no politicians. There will be elders, those whom have true wisdom, and keepers who’s job is to keep the society flowing and maintain the framework. These people will not be politically motivated and will view their job as a great responsibility. In a way they will be more like librarians or nurses than politicians. They will be charged with the care of the social framework and will serve society with humility. Their job will be viewed as no different from anyone else’s. The society will be organised into small units of similar beliefs, creed and family connections. These will form villages rather than towns and will have equal standing within society. The days of mass scale control will be over and a country which is currently homogeneous under one rule and system, will be a rich tapestry of systems which flow together to form the country. The countries will then flow together to form one united planet. There will of course be elements of framework all the way to the planetary level, but these will not be for control, rather they will help knit all the different groups together. Here there will be keepers whom gather information from all the groups and filter it through to all of society. The world will stand with a united purpose, due to everybody being in harmony with the human species consciousness. This will not mean that it will not evolve, rather it will act with unity and not expend energy in meaningless squabbles over power and possessions. The world will in-fact be a much more varied and interesting place, as people will not have to conform to central control. To use a computing analogy, it will be more like a neural network rather than a central processor.

So this final indicator, politics, shows that the world will be a much better place. Before we talk about the changeover we must first turn our attention to the rest of the world. So far we have been talking about the ‘old order’, which is western society. This is the dominant force on the planet, but there are many more societies, many which are more advanced spiritually than the western system. Many of these are already functioning within the new order, but some need to evolve. I will first describe some of these new order societies and then turn to the problems of other old-order societies.


Western society may be the dominant society on this planet, but there are many others. It does not necessarily follow that the western society is the most advanced. Imagine the world if the Nazis won the second world war, they would almost certainly be the biggest and most powerful society, but they would have been one of the most primitive. Fascism is in-fact the endpoint of the old order, it was defeated in the second world war, this catalysed the need for change. Other societies may not be as advanced technically, but may be more spiritually advanced. For example, the Native American Indian Society, was a highly spiritual tradition with a far more enlightened and natural approach to that of western society. Today, it hardly exists, and what does is in decline and has been westernised. This westernisation has taken place for centuries in many societies. It is very easy to look at African Tribes, Aborigines, American Indians and similar societies and think of them as primitive. This is almost totally due to westernisation. For example, the Aborigines were a very spiritual and natural society until they had western ideas thrust upon them. They now have a name as being drunken layabouts. The same is also true for the American Indians. In both cases the culture has been dismissed as heathen and the ways thought of as primitive. The truth is that westernisation, with its spiritual insecurities, has destroyed these societies and left artificial, empty charades. As western society works at a shallow level, the real loss to these societies is not apparent. The reason these societies have declined, is that they have had their ’soul’ removed. The people lack direction and do not wish to participate in the western charade. In the case of African Tribes, these seemed to be doing fine until western style greed took hold. Whether this greed was due to western intervention, or happened in a similar way it arose in the west, is uncertain. The result is similar, with the exception that the consequences are much deeper. Famine, disease and death are a common occurrence in these countries. This has one main cause, greed. In the case of Africa, there are countless civil wars and mob rule. A once fertile land is no more capable of providing nourishment. Natural disasters are often blamed, but these are only the catalysts. The spiral is similar to the western situation, except the land is not as forgiving and these countries lack money in a western style global economy. In other words, the society has been stripped bare and all the pointers of social maturity are lacking (law and order, education, HealthCare). In the new world order, wealth will be evenly distributed and Africa can return to its former glory. Each society is different and has different things to offer. In the western society, the intellect and technology are much prized. In other societies, creativity and mythology are more prized. In the new world order these will be of equal importance, as Life-force Harmonics shows, there are many ways of looking at a situation. The Eastern societies, such as China, India, Japan, etc., have a different philosophy. These societies have their own obstacles to overcome.

The Transition into Enlightenment

There are two stages to the ego stage. One tends towards order and is the Creative Aspect and the other tends towards disorder and is the Destructive Aspect. The creative aspect is a property of the Existence force. The Existence force is at maximum disorder and naturally tends towards maximum order. Imagine rain falling into a puddle, or matter condensing to form stars. The destructive aspect is a property of the Reality force. The Reality force is at maximum order and naturally tends towards maximum disorder. Imagine the expanding universe, or a tower made from playing cards. When developing the ego aspect, both forces are brought into play. The fourth chakra, the stage of enlightenment is different. Here only the creative side is to be developed. We have gone through the stage of enrichment characterised by the ego, now we must build on this and become one with the Universal Mind. This is a very distinct phase from the background consciousness stage. We are still individual, enriched by experience, but at one with the Universe.

The integrative practice now changes its role a little. It now become the practice for expansion and of increasing the vibrational rate of our Lifeforce. It may be that we have to re-asses our primary practice for this new situation. It is also important that all traces of negativity are let go of, as these can form a very powerful obstacle to spiritual practice. It is important to understand that your essence is bright and pure, always was and always will be.

As already outlined, we as a species are moving from the age of the ego to the age of enlightenment. We are on a great transition, some people are still developing the ego stage, some are well into the enlightenment stage. I included the discussion of the ego stage so that you can see to what extent you have gone through these steps, and how this is reflected on humanity as a whole.

Black Heart of the Wolf

June 1, 2009

I am currently editing my sci-fi fantasy novel “Black Heart of the Wolf” It should soon be available on Amazon and LuLu. Here is the prologue.

As the screaming black sphere collapsed inwards it travelled back through time. Centuries and millennia at first, but as it shrunk it was catapulted faster- hurtling towards the beginning of time itself. There it rested as a dot no bigger than an atom for millions of years.

As the universe evolved, it did too. As a particle of pure evil force it spilt into two. After a few million more years it split again. This process continued for countless ages. Billions of years passed and it was still no bigger than a pinhead. Then something miraculous happened. From a simple core of particles it became conscious. After a few more billion years it could reason.

It moved itself at the speed of light from its remote spot at the edge of existence. It travelled through the universe watching, listening and waiting. It saw the rise and fall of countless alien cultures, the birth and death of stars and the genesis of the universal order. It longed to kill, to maim, to destroy. It was a primitive spark of anti-life, the shadow substance of the universe.

It longed even more for revenge. It hated that which had held it prisoner. That which had caused it to be thrust backwards through time and to de-evolve to a pre-conscious existence. Ironically it was that imprisoning force, always repressing and denying it expression, that had accidentally set it free. In the name of advancement and spiritual evolution no less.

It grew near a star, the star that its adversary would later call Beta-Pictoris. It flew into this star like a great comet. Using its knowledge of the laws of nature it entered the star’s corona.

For a few moments it ceased to exist. A state of bliss beyond pure good and pure evil. Then it reappeared as a great explosion. A great black spot thousands of miles wide appeared on the stars surface. It grew larger and blacker. The star seethed and boiled with anger in such an enormous way that it shook the heavens. A great sea of brilliant hot plasma spewed out of the hole and streamed for millions of miles. The eruption lasted for weeks and eventually, after millions of years, a disc formed around the star.

This disc over the time of many ages aggregated under its own gravity. It cooled as it did so, from the many millions of degrees to almost absolute zero. The evil entity had expanded to many trillions of times its previous dimensions. The first aggregates were in the form of dust particles, primitive molecules and chemical compounds. These dust particles then aggregated to form rocks. After a million more years some of these rocks were large enough to be asteroids in their own right, but there was one colossal rock that was the size of a small moon. This moon attracted many of the asteroids and they bombarded it for aeons. The evil force winced under the pain of conception. Finally the moon was large enough to evolve as a life-giving planet.

The planet was angry at first, the pure evil essence boiled and shook throwing up great chunks of rock. The heat and the earthquakes liberated many gasses that eventually condensed to form a primitive methane atmosphere. The planet evolved on further. The evil entity took the form of primitive biological lifeforms. It felt the lifeforce flow through it and was sent into blissful agony. As it was its nature to destroy that which lives. It could not resist the temptation, so killed off a few of the lifeforms. It reabsorbed them into its rocky core.

After millions of years of evolution and a great deal of restraint, the planet bore higher forms of life- plants and animals. It had great blue oceans and a wonderful oxygen rich atmosphere. It was a garden paradise. The entity enjoyed the new feelings that came with being flesh. It revelled in ecstasy as its consciousness expanded.

The animal life evolved into intelligent humanoid life. The entity took some of these forms and experienced for the first time, since the dawn of time, the feeling of rain on human skin. The feeling of tears, and the joy of passionate embrace. These humans became very advanced and threatened to destroy all that he had created. For within all darkness there is light. No matter how evil, with evolution, good will arise from its very essence. He wanted only pure evil so cast these creatures off his world by bombarding them with a deadly plague. They resisted and used their technology against him, so he let through deadly radiation. Some of the inhabitants, the Scurrians, escaped and fled through the universe- but it was again his planet under his control.

His appetite for revenge had grown throughout time and his consciousness had expanded to make him almost omnipotent. He centred his attention onto a planet orbiting an ordinary yellow star. This planet, the planet Earth, was his focus of wrath. For it was here that he was imprisoned and it was here that he would venture. First of all to seek sweet revenge and then to seize mastery of the planet. It was after all his home.

He had waited a long time for this, but could not visit to take his prize directly. Instead he ventured into the realm of thought, the realm of dreams and the realm of the mind. He wanted his revenge to be protracted, so he found the one who had imprisoned him and followed his ancestry back. He followed it back to the beginning of time. He chose to torture this being from the very start of his consciousness. He knew that his lifeforce would flow from one creature to the next, so any death was incidental. He took great joy in his torment.

He decided that this was not enough, so he also punished all this life-forms associates. He tracked them down to an origin in Atlantis. From there on they stood together and eventually became The Tribe of the Phoenix…

Watch this space for more excerpts and information on how to buy when published.

Nude Dune Walker

June 1, 2009

There is something about the air at dusk. It has an unusual quality; cold, with that hint of a breeze- the type of air you can breathe in fully and feel the wonderful energies of twilight infuse you. It is totally refreshing with a hint of the rapidly approaching night. An air of excitement, an air of the unknown- a sense of awe and wonder that anything could happen!

Up here, in the North of Scotland, even the summer nights have this cold and mysterious hue. When you live only a mile from a beach and the waxing Moon becomes apparent over the deep blue sky, you wish to experience this to the full. Merely opening my window and inhaling deeply transfixes me and I cannot resist the temptation to wander into the darkness…

I know that darkness will give me cover and that few people travel to the beach at night. Yes, I have been nude on the beach during the day- it is wonderful to feel the sun on my body and the sea air embrace me. At night though, the experience is even more invigorating. The warm sun is replaced with the cool breeze, a breeze that caresses and touches like the day breeze cannot, that reminds you of your nakedness at every moment.

It is slowly getting darker, the Moon is becoming brighter and the daylight is being replaced with the mysterious moonlight. I decide to venture down to the dunes. As I walk I notice that I am quite cold, even fully clothed. I wonder if a nude excursion at this time of night may be a little foolhardy. I walk on regardless! As I walk on it slowly gets darker, the last of the deep scarlet sunset disappears into a rich turquoise. The sand dunes that sparkle during the day, as the sun reflects off the glasslike grains, now look flat and creamy. In the moonlight the sand becomes like the lunar surface. I walk on further and hear some voices. I thought I would be alone, but there are still people about. I walk past them and realise that they are heading towards the car park. It may be cold and risky tonight. Should I go for a walk and forget the naturist trip? I think about this as I walk- No! I will go on to the sand dunes.

As I walk off the track into the dunes the walking becomes heavier. It is difficult to walk on sand, especially with shoes on. I take them off and walk barefoot on the sand. It feels cold and slightly damp- it sends of shimmer of life up my spine. A shimmer that reaches my head and grounds me into the night! Fully clothed you are separated from nature, from the beautiful and mysterious energies. Taking off shoes and walking barefoot is the ‘first contact,’ it is the first time you feel fully connected… and alive! The voices pale in the distance and I walk on through the cold night sand illuminated by the pale moonlight. I enjoy the sensation of the sand beneath my feet as I sink slowly during every step. I reach a bank of sand that formed my previous skyline. From here I can see the sea and look back into the countryside. I notice cars along a distant road, lit up as a distant symbol of the industrial world. The contrast is breathtaking- the Moon reflecting off the sea and the cars on the road. I walk along this bank of sand into a sheltered dune.

In the dune I take off my warm jacket and begin to slowly undress. The first hints of the cold night lightly caress my skin. I remove my jeans and tee-shirt and finally underwear and stand naked in the dunes. I am aware of the slightly moist and misty Scottish atmosphere forming tiny drops of due on my bare skin. They tingle and ground me into the moment. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Using ancient Chi Kung I slowly earth myself. My body seems to sink and solidify as my awareness moves from my busy mind to my skin. Standing still makes me cold and I shiver slightly, I still wonder if it is too cold for a nude walk. I scramble up the sand dune and look around as the breeze embraces me. I shout out aloud as I feel totally invigorated by the sensations. I feel totally naked and at one with the earth!

I decide to proceed with my walk and gingerly at first make my way towards the sea. It feels very light walking without the impediment of clothing, I seem to glide effortlessly across the sand. As I walk on I experience an adrenaline rush which brings my awareness back to my nakedness and enhances the sensations and connection with the earth. I walk for ten minutes across the moonlight sand until I arrive at the sea. It is a totally awe inspiring view. The Moon, now shining through a sea mist, reflecting off the ruffled water. It fills me with a longing to enter the sea- the ultimate moonlit skinny dip! I have warmed up and my body is now accustomed to the night.

I slowly enter the water expecting it to be freezing! It is not as cold as I thought originally and venture deeper into the sea. The waves break across my legs and send a fountain of water down on me! I breathe in sharply and hold my breath as my heart races. What a feeling! I walk back onto the shore as the seawater slowly evaporates in the breeze. It feels like I am becoming more naked, if that were possible. The salty water embracing my body and evaporating. As it disappears I become blissfully aware of all areas of my body in turn as they are cooled by this wonderful sensation. I decide to re-enter the sea and repeat this experience. I walk into the wet sand and slowly into the waves. I wade in up to my waist. As the water reaches my waste-line I suddenly become very cold and backtrack to the shore. Yet again I feel the water cool as it evaporates. I can smell the rich smell of the sea on my skin and feel part of nature.

I walk further down the shore, the waves lapping against my feet. As I dry I feel very warm. The sea has left a residue of salt on my skin that cloaks me- natural clothes! I venture back into the sea, this time I kneel down in the waves. As they break they drench my entire body. Bliss! I am knocked over by a particularly big wave and after spitting out the salty seawater, crawl onto the shore. The feeling of the wet sand beneath me is very earthy. It is almost like mud! I enjoy this feeling and roll in the sand, my body becomes covered and I look like a ‘Sand Man!’ I walk down the shore feeling totally at one with nature, my body encased in sand like an ancient ritual. The Moon still shines on the water and the wind cools any exposed sections of my body. I walk for a mile or so in the lapping waves, walking toward the main beach that is crowded with people during the day.

After a seeming eternity lying on the beach watching the Moon, I decide to wash off the sand in my final skinny dip. The cooling sea washes off the sand and leaves me feeling totally naked again. I walk from the sea into the sand dunes. This time I walk to the top of a high dune and allow the wind to dry me. It is a wonderful feeling as it does so- it permeates my every fibre. I feel so alive and human. I have been washed clean of industry and society, of the values and beliefs of a soul-less world. I am at one with nature as the moonlight reflects off my pale skin. I notice my shadow as I walk back to the sand dune where I left my clothing. The sand seems orange. I cross the great wall of sand and slowly reached the dune. I reflect on my experience and stand watching the night for one last time…

We Stand as Mighty Oaks

June 1, 2009

We Stand as Mighty Oaks

We stand as mighty oaks kissed by the Lady Spirit of Nature, just as leaves are kissed by the breeze. Father Sun sending loving shards of light deep within our souls, nourishing our roots. Slowly, patiently we take time to experience the flow of life, like sap in the trunk spreading to every branch and each and every twig. We stand as a bridge to the elements, rooted in the earth, flowing like water, the air our breath and the sunlight our soul. As does the oak, we stand as guardians to nature’s great paradise. We bow in reverence to her great spirit. We shed our clothes, our worldly lives, our hectic existence, just as the oak sheds its leaves, standing tall. In this deep connection we find our true strength, our deep roots and the joy of simply being. We drink of her spirit in a divine union as she welcomes us into her magical embrace.

Return to the Trees

June 1, 2009

The Trees

The Sacred Well

June 1, 2009

It was a beautiful June evening and I was lucky enough to have the sacred well to myself. The stars shone down upon me with their ethereal light and the air was filled with magic. The moon too, was magical in her presence. A wonderful opportunity to connect, to dance, to be at one with nature. After removing my clothing I immediately felt free and danced on a grassy bank, twirling and turning like a dervish, like an elemental spirit set free. I danced with the fairies.

The well itself was equally magical, as we stood and peered into her mystical depths. The energy rising up our spines causing them to tingle in the slight breeze. As I walked to the source I could smell some of the beautiful flowers and trees that surrounded this most sacred of areas. The source itself provided an endless flow of pure water. I gulped it and splashed it all over, feeling instantly invigorated and shivering with the shock! Sacred well water is healing water and I could feel it heal me from within as I drank directly from the source. The water evaporating off my skin cleansed and healed me from the outside and the two forces me, totally embracing me, setting me free. Such an amazing feeling of ecstasy and being totally embraced by mother nature herself. I no longer felt cold in the breeze, but felt part of it.

As I walked further I empathised with the flowers and trees, I could feel their presence in a way that is impossible fully clothed in the daylight. I was one of these beings. I was a dancing sprite, overcome with the joy of simply being alive. This is what life is, the sky, the water and the earth. A sanctuary in nature that liberated me from the ties of society. For these few eternal moments I ran free as a stag in a wood, flew like a bumble bee from flower to flower and soaked up the moons silver shards, as she too watched, and smiled.

It is one thing to take a shower in these gorgeous waters, but another to submerge in the lifeforce of the goddess. As I lowered myself into the stream the cold instantly tingled and I breathed in sharply. Goosebumps and a feeling of liberation, a feeling of letting go. The waters gently bathed me and took away all my cares, all my negative thoughts, indeed all my concepts of who I was. They were replaced with a different me, a me that has always been there from the beginning of time. I had become part of nature and experienced her magical embrace. I looked up to the moon and the stars, up to the trees and down at the water. All were now familiar to me in a way I had long forgotten. They were like old friends, like finding my way home after a strange and weary journey through a dusty land.

I slowly climbed out of the stream and thanked her for the healing. My feet splashed onto the surrounding rocks causing wet footprints, like the tracks of some exotic animal never seen by human eyes. The breeze dried by, but left me with a coating of joy. A coating of Gaia’s lifeblood, claiming me as one of her spirits. Everything looked so clear, like the water itself. Life is simple, it is all about connection. The moments of bliss embraced my whole being from the beginning to the end of time, I was changed, I was renewed, I had returned home.